Barlow Bearcat Club Rules

Barlow Bearcat Club Bylaws

1: This club shall be named the Barlow Bearcat Club

2: The purpose of this club is to further the lofty ideals of those fortunate few who harbor an enthusiasm for the Barlow knife and provide a meeting space wherein they can undertake related interactions while furthering the reach of this most respectable pattern.

3: The club will meet virtually through the private Discord server. Meetings will be held quarterly on the first Sunday of the month at 3pm Eastern Time in the “Club Meeting Hall” voice channel. Non-meeting discussion will be held daily at will in the Discord channels.

4: Barlow enthusiasts in possession of a rightly owned Barlow knife are eligible for membership. Membership in good standing requires being a dues paid member or an honorary member. One must apply for membership at and complete the application process before paying their first dues.

5: The dues are required yearly, based on the calendar year. As of 4/1/24 they are $15 paid through The officers shall determine, on a yearly basis or as necessary, the dues amount and any exceptions. Previous year members will have until the end of January to pay the current year’s dues to remain in good standing. If a member loses good standing they will be removed from the Discord, but may rejoin at any time by paying dues for the current year and requesting an invitation.

6: Club Officers will be elected and serve for a term of two years, unless otherwise deemed necessary. There will not be term limits; Officers may be reelected. Two Officer positions will open each year. The two replaced Officers will remain for 30 days to onboard the oncoming Officers. The nomination and election process will happen annually in February. A nomination thread will be opened in discord to manage. The nomination process will be two weeks. Election Day will be mid-February. The voting process will be automated and anonymous. This entire process will be overseen by Logan and the two ongoing officers. Logan will remain an Officer indefinitely.

7: Bearcats are expected to uphold the high standards for which they stand. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Do not take advantage of the club for nefarious purposes. Spread the good word of the Barlow, but remember that this is a private club. Emphasize positivity in your dealings within and related to the club. Officers reserve the right to revoke membership if necessary due to going against the above tenets. Club decorum specifics can be found in the Discord “Welcome and Rules” channel. Members must display their real names on Discord.

8: Club knives, gear, etc. will be sold through unless handled by the maker or an individual member. Knives and EDC gear may be sold and traded between members in the transaction channels. No firearm sales or transactions of any kind allowed.

9: Club Officers may modify these bylaws as deemed necessary by consensus amongst current officers.

10: Discord and meeting participation is not required, but it is highly recommended.

11: The club logo may not be used without written permission from Logan Stout.

12: In the event of unresolved disputes or when clarification is required, final decisions on all club matters will rest with Knife Thoughts Limited and Logan Stout.

Discord Server Expectations

1: Act civilly. No personal attacks, no slurs, no doxing (posting personal info, our full names in usernames is all that is required), etc. This includes to people outside the club.
2: No scamming or taking advantage of other members or the club. We don’t price police, but anyone found to have a pattern of buying in the club and reselling at higher prices elsewhere will not be tolerated. Wait 24 hours before purchasing something for a non-member and confirm the seller accepts that arrangement first.
3: Share the knowledge of the club, but don’t send Discord invites. People must apply to and be accepted into the club via the official channel.
4: You must use your full name (at least first & last) as your server specific nickname, unless granted a written exception by an Officer. No screen names / pseudonyms / etc. are allowed in your display name, but you can include them in your profile.

Terms of Use

The Barlow Bearcat Club is operated as part of Knife Thoughts Limited, a for-profit business entity. Membership dues, purchases, and other transactions support the club’s activities and the purposes of Knife Thoughts.

By applying to and / or participating in the Barlow Bearcat Club, you acknowledge and agree to these bylaws, expectations, and terms of use. Failure to comply may result in removal from the club or its activities at the discretion of the Officers or Knife Thoughts Limited.