What is the Barlow Bearcat Club
The Barlow Bearcat Club is an exclusive club with a membership consisting of knife enthusiasts who own a Barlow knife. It is based upon a club run in the mid 20th century for people who owned Russell Barlows. Allan Trout, a well loved journalist for the Courier-Journal in Louisville Kentucky, started the club as one of the “gimmicks” for the column he wrote called “Greetings”. However, Mr. Trout found the club quickly grew due to its fun light-hearted nature and the popularity of the Russell Barlows. It probably didn’t hurt that it was advertised as “the only club in Christendom without dues and duties, or aims and aspirations”. Coincidentally, this revival of the club shares most of those same lofty goals!

This re-imagining of the Barlow Bearcat Club aims to recreate the camaraderie and irreverent fun of the classic knife club in a virtual setting. Knife clubs historically have played a huge part in the knife community, bringing together knife enthusiasts before the internet allowed such easy interaction. While forums and Facebook groups are a great way to interact with other knife lovers, I think a more traditional club system offers its own unique values. The Barlow Bearcat Club offers a space to dive in deep on everything surrounding Barlows (and other knives and EDC topics) and a connection to others who own, collect, carry, and use the same gear you love.

What is a Barlow?
A Barlow is a jack knife with an elongated bolster. The traditional definition often given stipulates a bolster at least one third the total length of the handle, but in practice the line is not so cut and dry. Today’s custom makers sometimes create shadow Barlows, meaning they have a faux bolster created by using a different handle material at the pivot in place of a traditional metal bolster. Barlows are normally regular jacks, meaning they have a squared pivot end and a rounded and wider butt end met by straight sides, but there have been curved Barlows. There are single bladed Barlows and Barlows with more than one blade, but all blades must use the same pivot end. There is no blade shape requirement, as Barlows have been made with about every blade shape that exists. Many people are familiar with Great Eastern Cutlery TC Barlows and those are great examples to compare your knife against. You can also feel free to send your application with a request for authentication of the barlowness of your knife, but don’t blame me if it doesn’t make the cut!

How does one become a member of the Barlow Bearcat Club?
Fill out the form linked below to start your application. Be SURE to open the email you receive, as that will help to ensure other emails in the application process (and newsletters) don’t go to spam. You’ll receive a survey where you’re asked to affirm your ownership of a Barlow knife and for a story surrounding it. Just like in the original club, creativity is always welcome in your application letter and we won’t hold you to “the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. An amusing story about how you got your knife, a particular interesting use you’ve found, or just a little flair in your prose (or verse, as was often included in the original) is always appreciated. Particularly creative or amusing applications just might be featured in the newsletter! The yearly dues, which also help cover the cost of printing and shipping official member stickers, are only $15 (subject to change) but include much more than just a sticker!
Apply to the Barlow Bearcat Club at this link!
What are the benefits of membership in the Barlow Bearcat Club?
Membership has its benefits! The Barlow Bearcat Club is intended to be a fun virtual meeting place for those who love traditional knives and, of course, barlows especially. To facilitate that, membership grants access to a private Discord where members can interact and meetings are held. It will also include a newsletter with exclusive Knife Thoughts relating to barlows and similar topics. Finally, members have access to other swag and gear. So far we had a run of slips made by Lynch Leather with the club logo stamped on, and even a Great Eastern Cutlery made Beerlow Club Knife (now several more slips and a GEC #15 TC club knife for 2024)! All that and a sweet sticker identifying you as an official member and a Barlow Bearcat! But the real value of the membership is the great culture that has developed in the club, focused on community, helping each other, and a positive attitude toward the hobby we all love.

The inspiration for reviving the Barlow Bearcat Club is owed in significant part to Mike Moran and Neal Punchard and their “The Catch Bit Show” podcast (formerly including Jason Ritchie). The podcast and blog are incredible resources and entertainment for anyone who enjoys traditional pocket knives. On “Episode 3; The Barlow!” the hosts discussed the original Barlow Bearcat Club and it immediately caught my attention. Mike was kind enough to send the primary document (“The Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association, Inc” Volume XII Number 2) that was my initial source of information on the club. I highly recommend checking out Mike’s work, not to mention his sublime knives, and Neal’s work in various knife publications. I also found information on the club using NewsPapers.com and searching through issues of the Louisville Kentucky Courier-Journal.