What is EDC? A Simple Acronym with a Complex Definition

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard the term EDC… but what exactly does it mean? Well, to put it succinctly, it stands for Every Day Carry. EDC refers to the tools you carry on your person. EDC is a practice of being prepared for whatever life throws at you. However, if you dig in a little deeper you might find that there’s no universal agreement as to what EDC encompasses.

Every (Literally) Day Carry Purists

The most hardcore of gear enthusiasts will insist that it’s not EDC unless you carry it literally every day. You’ll find this sentiment in the comments of the EDC subreddit, r/EDC, of any post with tools that don’t show wear. While it’s true this is probably the original expression of EDC, and probably still the most common among the population overall, most enthusiasts vary their carry at least occasionally.

Two Mainstays (& gifts from my wife): Spyderco Ouroboros & Roadie

Everyday Carry Enthusiasts

Those who are enthusiastic enough about their carry to post online typically change their tools, making it more “everyday” carry than “EVERY” day carry. Some might change their carry randomly, some might rotate through a regular stall of choices, and most probably lie somewhere in between those two ends of the spectrum. This approach to EDC makes for a more engaging experience, though it might not allow you to get the most out of each piece of gear and can lead to excessive consumerism.

A full “Tiffany Blue” themed carry: Chris Reeve Sebenza 31 with Twice Born Customs bead, Twice Born Customs worry coin, Zero Feud C.U.P. pouch, Sean Yaw Barlow, Sage Grouse Leather slip, Gear Infusion EverRatchet Clip

(Almost) Every Day Carry Dabblers

Then there are those who don’t carry every day, let alone the same things every day, but still enjoy good tools. People who want to have a good knife for camping, or a flashlight to keep in their car for emergencies, or a good pen for journalling at home, and such. They might not carry their tools every day or everywhere, but they appreciate having them and discussing them. At least in my approximation, this is as valid an approach as the others.

Some great gear I carry, but not every day: Tactile Turn Standard Slim Bolt Action Titanium, NGMCo Middle Man Slick Not Thirsty Block Logo, Field Notes Vintage Edition

Essentially, EDC is about the appreciation, carry, and use of personal preparedness gear. You can make it their own, not only through the tools you carry but also how you carry them. No matter your job, lifestyle, or any other circumstances there’s always a way you can make Every Day Carry a part of your life. So, what is EDC to you?

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