Lambfoot Fever is in the Air… but What is a Lambfoot Knife Anyway?

If you are a fan of traditional pocket knives you’ve probably seen lots of buzz lately about the “Waynorth Lambfoot”, but what exactly is a Lambfoot knife? Well not to worry, as I have an article on that exact subject! Check it out below, then be sure to read on to learn about the latest rendition of the Waynorth Lambfoot by Great Eastern Cutlery.

The latest Waynorth Lambfoot with a Rendezvous Special Factory Assembly version from 2019

So why the reinvigorated interest in this storied pattern? After almost 5 years, Great Eastern Cutlery has made another run of Lambfoot knives. Again made under the Waynorth Cutlery brand for Charlie Campagna using the #93 frame, this new version comes in special “Flat Cap” jigged bone. What’s Flap Cap jigged bone, you might ask? Well, I can’t say it any better than the man himself did on the tube art, which you can read below.

Image links to BladeForums thread on Flat Cap jigging

These have already dropped at most dealers, and are in extreme demand. GEC made knives are often difficult to buy, but these are on another level. They tend to sell out in seconds or be reserved ahead of time by long time customers at most dealers. I am lucky and happy to have gotten one, and I wish you the absolute best of luck in getting one for yourself. Great Eastern Cutlery has done it again and made another classic take on a beloved pattern for Charlie’s Waynorth Cutlery.

The two latest Waynorth releases, the City Stock & Lambfoot (image links to video on the City Stock)

P.s. It’s a bit out of date, but if you’re interested in how to buy GEC knives check out the article below.

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Continuing the Family Business; An Interview with Austin Jackson of Traditional Pocket Knives / C. Risner Cutlery

Austin Jackson has been working steadily to build his knife shop, Traditional Pocket Knives (also known as C. Risner Cutlery), into a one stop destination for quality knives. From traditional slipjoints to modern flippers, he carries an eclectic range of knives. He describes it as “a hobby with friends, not a business with customers” and that has certainly matched my experience. I’ve gotten to know Austin over the last several years and thought an interview would be interesting those like me who enjoy hearing the stories of those who share my love of good cutlery.

A Hobby with Friends, Not a Business with Customers

Austin Jackson,
Austin Far Left, Brian (who works with Austin at TPK) Far Right

I know that continuing your grandfather’s legacy in taking over C. Risner Cutlery was a meaningful undertaking for you, and I see the effort you put into innovating the business. How has your vision for the company evolved since then?

Grandpa had three websites back in the day. Those websites were (Schatt & Morgan knives), (Queen Cutlery knives), and (German Eye brand knives). Grandpa and I talked often about how I wanted to combine all three websites into one website, After grandpa passed in 2016, I began working on combining all three sites into one site. After doing so, this quickly turned out to be a great decision. Obviously combining three sites into one site made it much simpler for people to shop and browse knives. I had discussed with grandpa that I wanted to begin carrying more modern knives, both modern slipjoints and modern folding/flipping knives. My first modern addition to the site was Finch Knife Co. Finch offers some really neat modern knives while keeping their designs traditional. This was a great decision and has been a huge success. Over the years, I kept adding quality brands to the site and have taken grandpas small hobby and grown it into a small business. Grandpa always told me to never worry about stocking [too much] quality inventory. And in March of 2020, this little piece of information turned out to be paramount. As knife factories began to shut down temporarily in 2020 due to the pandemic, inventory began to move quickly. Many people were stuck at home with nothing to do, so they began shopping online. Having a large inventory of quality knives allowed me to sell knives throughout the entire year without purchasing new knives since factories were shut down. To this day, I carry a large inventory of quality knives and products. This has allowed me to evolve and expand the site to focus more on the “online shopping experience” rather than just offering a “shop and go” experience.

The Lake Champlain Barlow in Clip Point

The Lake Champlain Barlow is a unique design named after the USS Lake Champlain, where your grandfather served. Can you share more about the inspiration and design process behind this knife? Do you plan to rerelease the Lake Champlain like you have the Ohio River Jack, and if so will you make design adjustments like you have on the ORJ? You know I love a Barlow!

The Ohio River Jack was my first ever OEM design. I went all in on this design too, not really knowing where it would lead me. The knife community largely accepted and has thoroughly enjoyed the Ohio River Jack. This success led me to design the Lake Champlain Barlow. With all of my designs, I want to honor my Grandfather’s legacy because I am so grateful he introduced me to this hobby as a young kid. In matter of fact, Grandpa started my knife collection before I was even born! I still have the knife collection to this day. Grandpa loved a well designed and strongly built Barlow. I knew I would eventually want to design a Barlow that grandpa would have carried. The Lake Champlain Barlow was just that. Having a closed length of 4.25″, the Lake Champlain Barlow is a well built and rugged modern slipjoint. Most of our Lake Champlain Barlow inventory has sold but we still have a few of the micarta versions available on the site. I am currently working on another Lake Champlain Barlow run featuring a long and beautifully shaped spearpoint blade. I will be adding an easy-open notch to the design along with jimping and swedges to the blade. My newly designed second release of the Ohio River Jacks has been another great success within the knife community and has added confidence in me wanting to produce the Lake Champlain Barlow spearpoint version. 

The Ohio River Jack, Austin’s First In House Design

Traditional Pocket Knives offers a range of exclusive designs. How do you decide which patterns and collaborations to pursue? For example, the Lush is much different from your in house exclusive designs.

Quality, quality, quality. As a young boy, I attended almost every knife show that Grandpa set up at. During these shows, grandpa would teach me about the different styles, patterns and designs of pocket knives. Grandpa knew which knives and which brands would sell the best and which ones would not… or in his words, “these are absolute junk”. Even as knives have changed in the last ten to fifteen years, those lessons from grandpa still remain with me. This has allowed me to filter which knife designs and brands I want to carry in the store. Secondly and just as important, I want to personally know the owner of the knife brand which I carry and sell. Every brand I offer in the store, at any time I can personally call up the owners of those brands and have a thirty minute conversation before we even begin talking about pocket knives.

The Lake Champlain Barlow in Sheepfoot

Balancing the legacy of C. Risner Cutlery with modern market demands must be challenging. How do you honor tradition while innovating in the current knife industry? 

Grandpa would have never carried any knife besides a slipjoint. He appreciated a beautifully designed traditional slipjoint. And modern folding knives are obviously designed and produced much differently than a traditionally made slipjoint. In my opinion, a pocket knife is a pocket knife. If the knife cuts like a knife, looks like a knife, feels like a knife, then it’s very much so a pocket knife. It doesn’t matter if your interests are in Great Eastern Cutlery and your buddy’s interests are in Spyderco, we all share the same passion for pocket knives and that is what makes the knife community so enjoyable. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Grandpa had German Eyebrand produce his Indian Head trademarked knives. These knives featured his name, “C. Risner” stamped into the blade tangs. On all of my current OEM designs, I have “C. Risner” lasered into the tangs of these knives. I want to always honor the legacy and tradition of my Grandfather. 

TPK Carries the Full Spectrum from Traditional (like the Indian Head Conductor by GEC) to Modern (like the Divo Stout V2)

You’ve been involved in the knife community from a young age. How have your early experiences influenced your approach to running Traditional Pocket Knives today?

Grandpa not only taught me so much about business and pocket knives, he, along with my father, taught me lessons which helped me to become a man, leader, community supporter, Christian, Marine, and many other things. I will be forever grateful for the relationship I had with my grandfather. Even though he has passed, working on knives daily is like spending time with him. I didn’t realize at the time but attending the knife shows with Grandpa at a young age instilled confidence in me that helps me run the business to this day. Having guided grandpa’s small hobby into a small business which is constantly growing, I am faced with daily challenges. To help deal with these challenges, I often refer back to the times I spent with grandpa fulfilling orders, reviewing inventory, and speaking with customers. Being an entrepreneur, frustrations and failures will knock you down and make you be brutally honest with yourself. The one thing that keeps me strong is the love I have for pocket knives. If it wasn’t for this love and passion I have for pocket knives, the business wouldn’t be where it is today. 

To some, a pocket knife is just a tool and that is completely understandable. To others, a pocket knife is a memory of our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, friends, etc. A pocket knife is a lesson about life or a pocket knife can bring joy, love, and excitement. No matter what style of pocket knife you carry, being a part of the knife community and sharing the hobby with others is what brings us all together and that alone is worth celebrating.

The Appalachian Ridgerunner is an Unusually Large Modern Slipjoint

People like Austin help to make the knife community great. I love to see someone continue a family tradition and build a thriving and growing business at the same time. Who says the American dream is dead? If you decide to pick something up from Traditional Pocket Knives, feel free to use code “KT10” and you just might get a discount, and tell Austin I say hello!

I sincerely thank you for your time, support, and interest! Don’t forget to tell your friends about, subscribe via email, and share this article on social media. You can find Knife Thoughts on YouTube where I have hundreds of knife videos, as well as on Instagram and Facebook! You can find all my latest links at

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A Tale of Two Knives; AKB Stump Lifter Released & GEC #15 TC Barlows Coming Soon!

Today was a good day for traditional knife enthusiasts, as two long awaited slipjoints have burst onto the scene!

Advanced Knife Bro Stump Lifter

The Stump Lifter is a new slipjoint designed by Advanced Knife Bro. Advanced Knife Bro is one of the best knife reviewers on YouTube, with a unique dry wit that often garners salty comments. I’ve been watching his videos for years and have enjoyed watching him dive deeper into his enthusiasm for traditional knives and slip joints. He’s even a member of the Barlow Bearcat Club! The Stump Lifter is in collaboration with, and an exclusive for, Blade HQ. It is manufactured by QSP, a well regarded and widely used OEM for both modern knives and slipjoints (such as the Traditional Pocket Knives Ohio River Jacks). I got the green bone version and will do a video soon, so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel! All 3 versions are still available as of this writing at $120, and you can find them here.

Great Eastern Cutlery #15 TC Barlow

The #15 pattern is probably the most widely loved by Great Eastern Cutlery fans, especially in the TC Barlow iteration, so it was great news to see it on today’s production scheduled update! If you’re not familiar with the TC Barlow you can watch my video on the most recent run back in 2021. Now, not to lie by omission, they also included #15 Urban Jacks on that update. However, as a Barlow enthusiast, I am most excited about the new single blade sheepfoot #15 TC Barlow that is coming down the pipeline. Even better, it is shown to be slated to have “Tractor Green” sawcut bone for the covers (as well as an indication that there will be more handle options that are as yet undecided). I’m sure these will be a HOT ticket even among the normally difficult to buy GEC drops, so email your favorite dealers!

The “Rider by CC” and the Reemergence of the Harness Jack as Spurred by Charlie Campagna

The Rider by CC is the latest in a string of incredible Special Factory Orders for Charlie Campagna by Great Eastern Cutlery, and a classic Harness Jack.

TLDR? Check out my video on the Rider by CC and the Harness Jack pattern here!

Who is Charlie Campagna?

Charlie Campagna is a knife collector whose passion has helped spur the re-popularization of traditional knives. His special factory orders have contributed greatly to the reemergence of classic knife patterns like the Barlow (if you love Barlows, check out the Barlow Bearcat Club here!) and the Harness Jack. Whether on the forums or in person at knife shows, like the Great Eastern Cutlery Rendezvous, his generous sharing of knowledge and jovial yet reserved temperament has been a boon to the traditional knife community. Here’s a link to a great Q&A from in 2004, that might help to illuminate who Charlie is.

What is Waynorth Cutlery?

Waynorth Cutlery is the brand created and owned by Charlie Campagna. It is named after his BladeForums username, “Waynorth”. So far only three knives have been graced by the Waynorth Cutlery tang stamps; “Waynorth” arched over “Cutlery” over “Buffalo, NY” and on the reverse the classic “OIL THE JOINTS”. Those knives are the Lambfoot (GEC #93 pattern), Blackjack (GEC #86 pattern), and now the Rider by CC (GEC #86 pattern). Although Charlie did have knives made by Queen while Bill Howard (now founder / owner of Great Eastern Cutlery) was head cutler there, all of the Waynorth branded knives have been made by GEC. The Rider by CC is Charlie’s newest special factory order, and is a Harness Jack.

Models with the Waynorth Cutlery tang stamps

What is a Harness Jack?

A Harness Jack is a classic pattern that typifies the historical draw of traditional knives. The Harness Jack is a jack knife, meaning both “blades” come from the same end of the handle, and includes a main blade and a leather punch (sometimes called an awl). The main blade is often a spear point, but can be a clip point like on the Rider by CC. The handle is often a swell end, where the handle widens from the pivot end to a rounded butt end, but can also be a sleeve board or equal end pattern. The secondary blade, a punch, is a triangular piercing tool with a sharpened edge. Like many traditional patterns, the Harness Jack is a tool that was created for a specific use that was more common in our past. For the Harness Jack that use was repairing leather goods, specifically horse tack. The Harness Jack was a popular pattern in the heyday of traditional pocket knives, around the turn of the 20th century. At that time almost everything ran on horse power; manufacturing machinery, farming equipment, and of course transportation. Additionally, more everyday goods were made of leather. So if your horse’s harness or your briefcase’s strap broke, it was extremely convenient to have a punch available to make a new hole and mend it enough to get through your day. There were a myriad of punch designs, and there was even several patents filed in the 1910s, probably to capitalize on World War 1 and the demand for tack and other leather goods it would cause. However, the pattern seems to have faded and basically died out in the 1930s. This timeframe coincides with the rise of the automobile and its becoming commonplace in everyday life, and therefore less need for horse tack. That said, the punch didn’t entirely disappear from the knife industry; Scout and Camp knives continued to include a punch, due to the higher likelihood that one would need to repair leather while recreating outdoors. So, like other patterns with historic uses (Trapper, Cotton Sampler, etc.), the Harness Jack harkens back to a different time and gives that feeling of historicity that is so integral to many collectors’ enjoyment of traditional knives.

An excerpt from a 1911 Schatt & Morgan catalog showing several Harness Jacks

What makes the Rider by CC special?

The Rider by CC brings Charlie’s designs full circle. Being that his main collection interest has been Harness Jacks and his first SFOs with Queen were Harness Jacks, it’s fitting that this latest is a classic example of the pattern. The Rider by CC also shares connections with two other of Charlie’s SFOs, the Texas Camp Knife and Blackjack. Charlie had a special version of the GEC #98 Texas Camp Knife made, and believe it or not the punch on the Rider by CC is the same as the one used on the #98 (which I forgot to mention in the above video, to my great frustration). The Blackjack was a Jumbo Jack SFO Charlie had made on a previous run of the #86 pattern, the same frame as the Rider by CC. The Rider by CC also has a special “Empire” shield, based upon a shield often used by Empire Knife Company. Empire is a brand that Charlie has also collected and has an incredible display of their many patterns, so the Rider by CC’s unique shield serves as a great reference to that side of Charlie’s collection. The Rider by CC is a quintessential Harness Jack that perfectly represents Charlie’s passion for traditional knives and his Waynorth Cutlery brand.

The identical forged punches on the #98 Texas Camp Knife and #86 Rider by CC, one with more use!

I sincerely thank you for your time, support, and interest! Don’t forget to tell your friends about, subscribe via email, and share this article on social media. You can find Knife Thoughts on YouTube where I have hundreds of knife videos, as well as on Instagram and Facebook! You can find all my latest links at

Two Traditional Asian Knife Designs Make a Splash on the Modern EDC Market

If you follow Knife Thoughts you know I love a traditional knife. There’s just something about an old long proven pattern that hits me (and many others) the right way. The majority of traditional knives I have discussed have been of western origin; from the USA with roots in the UK or Germany, and some from other European countries like Italy and France. That said, knives are universal and there’s a whole world of knives and knife history out there to explore. That’s why I am really excited to see two traditional Asian knife patterns translated into modern every day carry knives in the Vosteed Nightshade and Civivi Ki-V Plus!

Vosteed Nightshade

The Vosteed Nightshade is a modern knife that emulates the Shilin Cutter. The Shilin Cutter is a pattern from Taiwan. The pattern originated in the mid 19th century when a cutler named Kuo He created and subsequently popularized the design. The knife is designed with a downward canted leaf shaped blade that lends itself to gardening and other utility tasks, while the handle is a simple eggplant shape that makes it extremely ergonomic even in extended use. The original traditional version was a slipjoint, meaning it used spring pressure to hold the blade open and closed but did not lock, and typically had forged blade steel and buffalo horn covers with brass bolsters.

Unfortunately, the shop that originally made the Shilin Cutter no longer seems to be in operation and even imitation versions are difficult to find. Spyderco created a modern knife based on the Shilin Cutter in the Bob Lum designed Lum, but it is discontinued and now exceedingly expensive on the secondary market.

Enter, the Vosteed Nightshade. Vosteed is a company that I became aware of relatively recent because of their high value kitchen knives, but they also have several folding knife designs with more on the way. The Nightshade makes few changes to the design of the Shilin Cutter, but updates it with modern materials and construction. It has snappy and smooth one hand opening with a flipper and ball bearing pivot, a pocket clip, a liner lock, 154cm steel (a great mid range steel), and G10 handles. It also is just plain really well made, like I was genuinely surprised at how nice it is (not to mention the high quality metal box in which it’s packaged).

The designer, Yue Dong, was gifted an original Shilin Cutter and has used it extensively for camping and every day carry tasks, but designed the Nightshade to be an updated and upgraded version that would stand up to wear and tear. I have found it to cut extremely well so far, as it came very sharp and seems to have a nicely ground primary bevel, and honestly have just enjoyed flipping it (it’s very smooth). With a comfortable handle and a sturdy but slicey blade, I think the Nightshade is up to pretty much any EDC, outdoor, or general use task.

You can get the Nightshade at this link and use code KT5 for $5 off a Nightshade or KT20 for $20 off the Nightshade and Shark Bomb pry bar combo! I also suggest joining Vosteed’s Facebook group at this link if you get one of their knives, as it’s quite active and enthusiastic.

Civivi Ki-V Plus

The Civivi Ki-V Plus is a modern folding knife that takes its design cues from the Kiridashi. The Kiridashi is a traditional Japanese fixed blade pattern. Like the pen knife in Europe and the United States, the Kiridashi serves as a small utility knife that was carried by the majority of people for everyday tasks. The Kiridashi has a straight, angled edge and is traditionally ground with a chisel primary bevel, meaning one side is ground and the other is left flat (other than the secondary bevel, or edge). This edge and grind style also lent the Kiridashi to shop work, like scoring wood and other such tasks. The traditional Kiridashi most often had a simple carbon steel blade and either a wooden handle or a skeleton, or plain metal tang, handle. While several companies are now offering modern renditions of the Kiridashi, I think the Civivi Ki-V Plus does about the best job I’ve seen of keeping the traditional design while adding modern materials and construction.

Now, the Ki-V Plus is actually an enlarged and modified version of the Ki-V (you can watch my video on it here). While I enjoyed the Ki-V and thought the designer, Ostep Hel, did a great job of keeping the traditional aesthetic I thought it could be improved with a different flipper tab design. Although the Ki-V plus doesn’t have the exact type of flipper tab I was imagining, I think it is an improvement over the original. I am NOT usually a fan of front flippers; I’m just not dexterous enough for them most of the time. That said, I’ve had a lot of fun flipping the Ki-V Plus and haven’t found any difficulty in opening and closing it in real use. The Ki-V Plus also adds a liner lock, whereas the original Ki-V was a double detent slipjoint. Even though I think the Kiridashi design does lend itself well to a slipjoint, the added size of the Plus version makes the liner lock a smart choice. However, I think a larger cutout on the front facing handle would make unlocking the blade a little more intuitive. Speaking of the larger size, the Ki-V Plus’s longer blade makes it feel like a knife better suited to working; still not necessarily hard use, but not relegated exclusively to lighter tasks either. While the Ki-V Plus doesn’t have the traditional chisel grind, the traditional angled edge still works great for all kinds of cutting tasks and especially those most common in EDC usage like opening boxes and cutting cardboard. I have had a lot of fun with the Civivi Ki-V Plus so far and have found it to be a very capable EDC knife.

You can get the Civivi Ki-V Plus at this link and use code KnifeThoughts for a discount. You can also join Civivi’s Facebook group which has a dedicated following.

Which should you get?

Honestly, if you can’t get both, just go with whichever one strikes your fancy. Either way you’re going to get a well made knife. That said, I think if you do more gardening and food prep and outdoor tasks the Nightshade might be better suited for you while if you do more cutting cardboard and opening boxes and such the Ki-V Plus might be a better fit. Still, either will work suitably for most tasks. I enjoy both knives for their quality and materials, but what I really appreciate is how well both give homage to their traditional counterparts. I hope to see more and more of that respect for traditional patterns in the modern knife industry going forward, but for now I’ll just keep enjoying my Nightshade and Ki-V Plus!

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I sincerely thank you for your time, support, and interest! Don’t forget to tell your friends about, subscribe via email, and share this article on social media. You can find Knife Thoughts on YouTube where I have hundreds of knife videos, as well as on Instagram and Facebook! You can find all my latest links at